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Garage Doors

How can you lock an automatic garage door?

By February 26, 2021December 14th, 2023No Comments
capital garage security tips

Last year we saw one of the sharpest rises in vehicle theft. But keeping your garage door secure is not just about for protecting valuables, it is also about protecting your family as well. Many homes are connected to the garage by an internal door. Thus, locking the garage door is essential care to prevent burglaries and break-ins. Over the years automatic garage doors (controlled by remotes and smart devices) have replaced the lock-and-key manual ones. But installing an automatic system may not be enough. Homeowners think that their automatic garage door openers and locks will only respond to their commands. And although that’s what should happen that is not always the case.

Potential threats

It may not be fashionable but the simple padlock had some benefits. Here are a few ways automatic doors can be spoofed.

Fishing– ‘Fishing’ is a technique used by burglars that invserviceolves creating a gap at the top of the door and inserting a hooked wire to probe for the manual release. Once that’s hooked, a calculated pull will open the garage door without any resistance. Skilled burglars can pull this off using just a coat hanger!

Code grabbers – Thieves and burglars skilled in modern technology are now capable of even hacking automatic garage doors. They do this by stealing the entry codes for the automatic system. Using frequency amplifiers, robbers can scramble the systems transmission and easily gain access. Even Wi-Fi connected ones can be hacked. 

How can you secure automatic garage doors?


  • Cover the windows and secure the doors


If your garage has windows it is best to cover them with drapes and curtains so that no one can pry on what’s inside. Many doors come with built-in windows which not just offer a view of your valuables but allow burglars an easy opportunity to locate the manual release and gain easy access to your garage. If you have windows on the walls, you should keep them covered at all times.


  • Add lighting


It’s easy for burglars to operate at night in the cover of darkness, especially if your garage lacks lighting. Adding bright lights to your garage will add to its security by keeping the surrounding area well-lit. Brightly lit garages also discourage attempts of break-ins. If you want to save on your energy bills, then you should opt for motion sensor lights as they’ll only light up whenever they sense movement nearby.    


  • Add a security system


The best way to keep your garage safe is by installing a proper security system. Trying to avoid strategically placed cameras and sensors can be a daunting challenge for most burglars. The latest garage security systems even give you live alerts on your phone whenever there’s movement on the front yard.


  • Upgrade to the latest technology


The latest garage door models are better made, much more sophisticated and offer way more security than older ones. New garage door openers come with rolling codes. These are much harder for code-grabbers to hack. Don’t worry, you don’t have to replace the entire garage door and assembly, just the garage door opener.


  • Go old school – get a padlock


A simple padlock might sound cumbersome but it can be pretty foolproof. If not every day, it’s a good idea to padlock your garage door if you are leaving for longer periods of time. Some people install two padlocks on either side of the door (and at different heights), making them all the harder to break.

Want to give your garage door a much needed security upgrade? Call Capital Garage Door Ottawa. We have a large selection of leading garage door openers and locking options.

Discuss your needs with us today